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What is dry needling?

In physiotherapy there are different techniques to alleviate muscular pain, one of them is dry needling. In this article I would like to explain what it consists of so that you can assess whether it can be useful for you.

What is dry needling and how is it performed?

Dry needling is an invasive technique used in physiotherapy to eliminate painful muscle points (or trigger points), which can be generated due to overloading, sudden movements, etc. It is called dry needling because we do not introduce any anaesthetic or substance.

A needle similar to acupuncture needles is introduced into the skin until it reaches the area where the painful point is located. With this technique we seek to mechanically stimulate the muscle affected by these painful points.

Given its complexity, I must remind you that this therapy must always be carried out by a properly trained physiotherapist.

What is a trigger point?

These are painful points found in the musculature that have the capacity to provoke symptoms far from the point in question (referred pain). A good example is when the neck area is "loaded" and the pain seems to go down the back or generates a headache after having spent many hours working at the computer.

Is it an effective treatment?

Yes, its effectiveness, with a significant reduction in pain and improvement of the symptoms associated with these painful points of muscular origin, has meant that this technique is gaining more and more followers every day.

To achieve greater effectiveness, this technique must be included in a physiotherapy treatment in conjunction with other techniques. Furthermore, once the painful points have been eliminated, if the improvement is to be sustained over time, the patient's habits must be re-educated.

A correct puncture causes pain to disappear (both pain in the affected area and referred pain) and improves the blood supply to the treated area, improving the overall recovery process.

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